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Why United-IP?

The focus of nearly all social, economic and socio-economic developments currently taking place revolve around one thing: The internet. United-IP provides you with truly all the technical possibilities for using the worldwide web to the fullest extent, in the most useful manner.

From the strategically located European headquarters in Liechtenstein, our founders are sparking completely new ideas within the European information communication technology community.

The goal: To supply Switzerland, Austria and Germany, which form center of an innovative and prospering economy hub, with high-tech solutions, thereby providing these nations and their populations with more than simple internet access. The founders of United-IP view themselves as driving forces in the industry; individuals who can – and want to – make a positive contribution to European development.

This is who we are

Kurt Bodinger

He began his career in telecommunication in 1976. Starting out as a young technician, he later went on to work in marketing and sales, and ultimately founded the company, IP Austria, which became Austria’s first IP provider, in the year 2000.

Richard Polasek

Once a developer who worked for Siemens in the Plant Engineering department, he soon switched to being a development manager in the field of mobile telecommunication, and later on as a database specialist for Bet and Win. Today he serves as IP Austria’s CEO.

Roman Dissauer

Shortly after finishing his studies in Australia, he moved back to Austria, where he dedicated himself to developing the software called PBX, among other things, and subsequently discovered a new and exciting field of work, when he began working as a development manager for IP transmission technology.

What makes us proud

  • Our never-ending pioneering spirit and more than 25 years of experience in the most fast-paced, rapidly expanding and technologically challenging industry – worldwide.
  • Our software developers, who have implemented a language as a software application in broadband networks – and being practically the first in the industry!
  • Our specialists, who began their preliminary work in 1995 and completed the first IP-based transmission technology in 2002 – making the public SS7 technology (also known as ISDN telephony) obsolete, thereby paving the way for the most modern “telephone transmission technology”.
  • Our ability to act as a silent partner, whose strength is characterized by operating in the background, and who are dedicated to providing behind-the-scenes turnkey applications and platforms  – for both large and small ICT companies.

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